** Welcome
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Meet Your Instructor”, @lecture, @foldout }
Play the video below to learn a bit more about your instructor for the course, Gio Circo.
Visit the video for an introduction to the course.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “The R Toolkit”, @reading, @lecture, @foldout }
R is a 30-year-old statistical language created by New Zealand statisticians Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka as a free alternative to proprietary software for their students at the University of Auckland. In fact, its rich lineage can be directly traced to inventor and scientist Alexander Graham Bell.
Watch the video below for a brief introduction to R as it’s used today.
In this course we cover the foundations of data programming with the R language. In order to create robust and dynamic analysis we need to use a couple of tools that were built to leverage the power of R and create compelling narratives.
RStudio helps you manage projects by organizing files, scripts, packages and output. Markdown is a simple formatting convention that allows you to create publication-quality documents. R Markdown is a specific version of Markdown that allows you to combine text and code to create data-driven documents.
The following resources will help you get a better understanding of these tools.
Chapter 1: Core R: Learning the basics of R
Chapter 2: RStudio: RStudio’s functionality and features
Data-Driven Docs: How R Markdown is used for interactive and dynamic reports
A Guide to Markdown: How to use Markdown - the easy-to-learn formatting syntax
Each tool you’ll use in this course has a corresponding image, summarized below.
You will get plenty of practice with these tools and submit your labs as knitted R Markdown (.RMD
) files.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Videos”, @lecture, @foldout }
RStudio is a graphical user interface (GUI) and integrated developer environment (IDE) that makes it much easier to use R for writing code, importing data, installing packages, and other features.
The following video provides a tour of the RStudio interface and key components for getting started.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
Markdown is a “lightweight”, easy-to-learn syntax that allows you to format language with boldface, italicization, bullet points, and more, even when there’s no “rich content editor” menu available.
Websites and applications that support Markdown may surprise you, including:
The following video provides a brief introduction to Markdown fundamentals.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
GitHub Issues allow you to quickly troubleshoot issues with instructors and peers by sharing code, reproducing errors, and thoroughly explaining complications as you learn R.
The following video provides a tutorial for using GitHub Issues.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
R Markdown is one of the most powerful tools you’ll learn. It allows the synthesis of human language and code to perform processing and analysis tasks while explaining them to broad audiences.
The following video provides a tutorial and demonstration of R Markdown.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Getting Help”, @reading, @foldout }
Data analytics is a very social endeavor and real-world analytics projects are almost always collaborative.
These courses are designed to be interactive, and a lot of learning occurs by practicing the technical jargon from the field and learning how to talk about data and models.
Learning how to seek help and use discussion boards will accelerate learning and facilitate collaboration. Social coding tools like GitHub use these features extensively.
We are going to throw a lot at you, but also provide a lot of support. Over these first couple of weeks feel free to reach out for anything you might need.
If you find something confusing, let us know (likely others will find it confusing as well).
As a general rule of thumb, if you are stuck on the math or code for a problem, need clarification about what the question is asking, want to make sure you understand a formula, or are having similar issues then the help discussion page is the easiest and quickest way to get help. If you are confused about concepts or having a hard time even formulating your question, then virtual office hours are your best option.
Adapted from SRGRAFO.
Note that the discussion board is hosted by the GitHub issues feature. It is a great forum because:
Please preview your responses before posting to ensure proper formatting. Note that you format code by placing fences around the code:
# your code here
lm( y ~ x1 + x2 )
The fences are made of three back-ticks. These look like quotation marks, but are actually the character at the top left of your keyboard (if you have a US or European keyboard) and shared with the tilde (~
y = b0 + b1•X1 + b2•X2 + e
b1 = cov(x,y) / var(x)
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you organize and prepare for success in this course.
*** { @unit = “Wed May 18”, @title = “Introduce Yourself”, @assignment, @foldout }
We will be using a discussion board called YellowDig for this course. Introduce yourself to the class:
** Week 1 - Functions and Vectors
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This unit introduces the most fundamental building blocks of data programming in R.
Once you have completed this unit, you will be able to:
Lab-01 is your first opportunity to combine human language and R code in R Markdown. You will practice using tax parcel data from Syracuse, NY (USA), including:
This assignment requires some combination of the following functions and operators:
: Returns the variable names of a datasethead()
: Returns the initial values of a dataset; default is 6 rows$
: Extracts a variable from a dataset using data$variable
: Returnes the total number of values in a vectordim()
: Returns the total rows and columns of a dataset, respectivelynrow()
: Returns the total rows of a datasetncol()
: Returns the total columns of a datasetsum()
: Returns the sum of:
values of a logical vectorsummary()
: Returns summary statistics for a dataset or individual vectorstable()
: Returns a tally of the number of occurences of unique values in a vectorThis assignement uses Downtown Syracuse tax parcel data. View the documentation here.
These data are imported using the following code.
url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DS4PS/Data-Science-Class/master/DATA/syr_parcels.csv"
dat <- read.csv(url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
View the portion of Syracuse represented by these data.
Syracuse, NY contains over 42,000 tax parcels. Below depicts parcels with single family homes.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
Required reading for this unit includes:
The following background chapters are recommended for skimming for future reference:
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Videos”, @lecture, @foldout }
Play the video below for an overview of objects and assignment in R.
Visit the chapter.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
Play the video below for an overview of functions in R.
Visit the chapter.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
Play the video below for an overview of vectors.
Visit the chapter.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
FunctionsPlay the video below for an overview of basic exploratory functions for a vector, i.e. a series of values.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
na.rm =
& table()
with Function mean()
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your first week.
*** { @unit = “Wed May 25”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
The world is simultaneously generating more data than it has ever before, as well as pushing for policies for making government data more accessible and democratic. These trends and movements is an important enabling aspect of data science, becuse it provides opportunity for real insights that can change our understanding of systems and allow us to hold institutions accountable.
So ignoring potential problems with big and open data for now, read about two interesting cases where big and open data have offered deep insights into city planning and human nature.
“A Data Analyst’s Blog Is Transforming How New Yorkers See Their City”, NPR, Nov 2018.
How a blog saved OK Cupid, FiveThirtyEight Blog, Nov 2014.
For your discussion topic this week, find one data-driven blog post from Ben Wellington’s I Quant NY and/or OK Cupid’s OK Trends where you discovered something cool that you did not know, and share it with the group. In your post highlight what is interesting about the example, and what data made it possible.
Please post your reflection as a new pin on YellowDig.
You can also check out Ben’s Ted Talk, or this short interview.
Note: You get points on Yellowdig by interacting with content. That means creating new posts and participating in posts that your classmates create. Your Yellowdig posts are due on Friday, but you gain points throughout the week by participating in discussions.
You can earn up to 20 points a week, and points reset on Fridays. You need to earn 100 points throughout the seven-week term, which means averaging 15 points a week.
*** { @unit = “FRI May 20”, @title = “Lab 01”, @assignment, @foldout }
This lab is designed to introduce you to basic functions that explore datasets and variables.
Click to download the lab template. Modify and submit using the instructions.
** Week 2 - Operators and Descriptives
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Reflection”, @reading, @foldout }
Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, and I really wish somebody had told this to me.
All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But it’s like there is this gap. For the first couple years that you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good. It’s not that great. It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be good, but it’s not that good.
But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is good enough that you can tell that what you’re making is kind of a disappointment to you. A lot of people never get past that phase. They quit.
Everybody I know who does interesting, creative work they went through years where they had really good taste and they could tell that what they were making wasn’t as good as they wanted it to be. They knew it fell short. Everybody goes through that.
And if you are just starting out or if you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Do a huge volume of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week or every month you know you’re going to finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you’re going to catch up and close that gap. And the work you’re making will be as good as your ambitions.
I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It takes awhile. It’s gonna take you a while. It’s normal to take a while. You just have to fight your way through that.
—Ira Glass on failure
It’s easy when you start out programming to get really frustrated and think, “Oh it’s me, I’m really stupid,” or, “I’m not made out to program.” But, that is absolutely not the case. Everyone gets frustrated. I still get frustrated occasionally when writing R code. It’s just a natural part of programming. So, it happens to everyone and gets less and less over time. Don’t blame yourself. Just take a break, do something fun, and then come back and try again later.
—Hadley Wickham on advice to young and old programmers
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This section introduces logical statements used to create custom groups from your data.
Once you have completed this section you will be able to
Group Construction with Logical Statements
Lab-02 covers the following topics:
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
Group Construction with Logical Statements
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Videos”, @lecture, @foldout }
Play the video below for an overview of logical vectors, i.e. a series of TRUE
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your second week.
*** { @unit = “Wed Jun 01”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
You might not have heard, but nerd is the new black, data science is the sexiest job of the 21st century, and there is nothing hotter than learning R.
But what is R, and what are the nerds cool kids using it for?
This week, your task is to explore a few blogs about tools in R and find one package or application that you are excited about. It can be an analytics package, a graphics package, a specific application, or a tutorial on a topic that interests you. I don’t expect you use of understand the package or tutorial, rather just identify a tool that would be useful given your interests.
Mine, personally, was the package that allows you to create comic strip graphics in R:
Take note, this assignment asks you to explore a new community where the technical language is unfamiliar and the volume of information vast. There are currently over 15,000 packages available in R! Part of the goal of the assignment is to recognize the sheer volume of creativity in the R community and the scope of work that can be done with the language. But the immediate learning objective is to find some sources that make the content accessible. Here are a few to get you started:
Please post your reflection as a new pin on YellowDig:
*** { @unit = “FRI May 27”, @title = “Lab 02”, @assignment, @foldout }
Read the following sections from the course chapter on groups before starting the lab.
You will need a basic understanding of constructing groups and subsets in these sections.
The rest of the chapter is useful information to come back to, but not needed for the lab.
Similar to last week, the chapter highlights some easy ways to make errors with your code. We don’t want to convince you that R is hard, but rather to ensure that you are paying attention to some subtle features of machine language that can impact your data.
Click to download the lab template. Modify and submit using the instructions.
** Week 3 - Visualization
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Reflection”, @reading, @foldout }
People naturally go through a few phases. When you start out, you don’t have many tips and techniques at your disposal. So, you are forced to do the simplest thing possible using the simplest ideas. And sometimes you face problems that are really hard to solve, because you don’t know quite the right techniques yet. So, the very earliest phase, you’ve got a few techniques that you understand really well, and you apply them everywhere because those are the techniques you know.
And the next stage that a lot of people go through, is that you learn more techniques, and more complex ways of solving problems, and then you get excited about them and start to apply them everywhere possible. So instead of using the simplest possible solution, you end up creating something that’s probably overly complex or uses some overly general formulation.
And then eventually you get past that and it’s about understanding, “what are the techniques at my disposal? Which techniques fit this problem most naturally? How can I express myself as clearly as possible, so I can understand what I am doing, and so other people can understand what I am doing?” I talk about this a lot but think explicitly about code as communication. You are obviously telling the computer what to do, but ideally you want to write code to express what it means or what it is trying to do as well, so when others read it and when you in the future reads it, you can understand some of the reasoning.
~ Hadley Wickham Advice to Young and Old R Programmers
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This section introduces the Core R graphics engine.
Once you have completed this section you will be able to:
Please skim these chapters before starting your lab. Sample code has been provided for each lab question, but you may need the chapters and the R help files to find specific arguments.
The plot() Function
Building Custom Graphics
Help with R graphics:
Lab-03 introduces the primary plotting functions used to build graphics.
The lab requires you to re-create a graph that was featured in the New York Times:
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
The plot() Function
Building Custom Graphics
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your third week.
*** { @unit = “Wed Jun 08”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
This week you will begin working in the core R graphics engine. This discussion topic offers an opportunity to explore some of the myriad graphics packages in R.
Your task is to select a specialized graphic that you could use in your own (hypothetical) research or professional life, then describe what data or topic from your own work the visualization would be useful for. Reference the R package you would need for the task.
For example, I might say that I work creating budgets for a government organization. I could use a Sankey Diagram from the D3 Package to visualize our budget.
You will find sites like the R Graphs Gallery and The Data Viz Project helpful.
*** { @unit = “FRI Jun 03”, @title = “Lab 03”, @assignment, @foldout }
This lab is designed to introduce you to core visualization functions by replicating an elaborate graphic.
We recommend you skim the chapters on graphing functions and custom graphics in R.
Code is provided to get you started, but you will have to use documentation and the web to push the boundaries of your new knowledge of these functions.
Click to download the lab template. Modify and submit using the instructions.
** Week 4 - Dynamic Visualization
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This section introduces the use of R Shiny widgets to make graphs dynamic.
Dynamic graphics allow a user to select parameters that change the visualization in some way. Graphics will update in real-time within a web browser.
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
Read the notes on using R Shiny widgets and render functions to accept user input (widgets), and change graphics in response (render).
Lab 04 will again use the graph that was featured in the New York Times:
Try the interactive graphic at the NYT.
But we will now add an input widget that allows users to select one team that will be highlighted on the graph in yellow.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Videos”, @lecture, @foldout }
Play the video below for an overview of interactive graphics with Shiny.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
breaks =
with “Hard” Valuesbreaks =
with a Dynamic Values
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Demo of Shiny Widgets”, @reading, @foldout }
For more widget examples visit the R Shiny Widget Gallery and the R Shiny Gallery.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your fourth week.
*** { @unit = “Wed Jun 15”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
There is a lot of science behind data visualization, but the art to storytelling with data can be hard to distill into a few basic principles. As a result, it takes time to learn how to do it well. The best way to develop data visualization skill is to regularly consume interesting graphics. David McCandless is one of the best ambassadors for the field of graphic design and visualization. Check out his TED Talk, and some excerpts from his book Information is Beautiful.
Unfortunately, it is much easier to create tragically bad graphics than it is to create good graphics. For your blog this week, read the Calling Bullshit overview on proportional ink and misleading axes to develop some sensitivity about misleading graphics.
Find a graph that violates one of these principles, or commits an equally egregious visualization crime. Share the graph and explain what offense has been committed. You might start by searching for “bad graphs” on google images.
This use of clowns in bar charts is one of my favorites. You might also enjoy pizza charts or these gems.
*** { @unit = “FRI May 10”, @title = “Lab 04”, @assignment, @foldout }
This lab is designed to introduce you to R Shiny by making last week’s graphic interactive and dynamic.
Click to download the lab template.
Note: Rather than submitting a PDF or HTML file, please submit only the R or R Markdown file. Please ignore the boilerplate directions in this week’s assignment.
** Week 5 - Data Wrangling
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This unit focuses on the important task of “data wrangling”, various manipulations that allow you to quickly filter, join, sort, transform, and describe your data. The dplyr package and tidyverse tools are some of the most popular in R.
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
Read the notes on data wrangling in R:
You may also find the Data Wrangling Cheatsheet useful.
Lab 05 will use data on traffic accidents in the City of Tempe:
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Videos”, @lecture, @foldout }
Play the video below for an overview of data manipulation with package dplyr.
Visit the video to navigate using timestamps in the description or bookmarks in the progress bar.
& mutate()
& summarize()
, pull()
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your fifth week.
*** { @unit = “Wed Jun 22”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
Part of the reason data science has grown so much as a field in recent years is because of advances in computing technologies that allows us to run powerful programs and to work with large datasets on personal computers. But just as important, data has become so ubiquitous, cheap, and valuable for organizations.
Your skill level in data science can be measured by how quickly you can take a real-world problem and produce analysis that offers better solutions than the status quo. Analyzing the data is important, but the process of obtaining data is not a trivial step. Having knowledge about where to look for data, or how to augment your existing data, will help you be more effective as an analyst.
Next week we will discuss some ways to get data into R. You can always download data from a website in its current format (CSV, SPSS, or Stata, etc.) then import it into R. Alternatively, it is typically more efficient to use an API.
API stands for “Application Programming Interface”, which is computer science jargon for the protocols that allow two applications to speak to each other. If you are using your mobile phone and you want to log into your bank using an app, an API will send your user credential and password to your bank, and will return information about your balances and transactions. In other words, APIs are structured ways of sending requests back and fourth between systems. The provide permission for external users to query some parts of internal databases (e.g. what is my checking account balance?), and control what information will be returned.
In some cases, organizations that host public datasets have created data APIs to make it easier to request and share the data. To see some examples visit the Data Science Toolkit website, and test out some APIs. In some cases you give some search parameters (such as a zip code), and it returns a new dataset (census data). In other cases, you send data (raw text), and the API sends you a processed version of the data (a sentiment score based upon words in the text). Thus APIs can be used both to access new data sources, as well as to clean or process your current data as part of your project.
The R community has made a lot of APIs easier to use by creating packages that allow you to access data directly in R using custom functions. For example, the Twitter package allows you to request tweets from specific dates and users, and sends back a dataset of all tweets that meet your criteria (with limits on how much you can access at a time).
R packages translate the API into functions that will translate your request into the correct API format, send the request, return the data directly into R, and often convert it into an easy to use format like a data frame. In this way, you can quickly access thousands of datasets in real time through R, and you can also store your requests in scripts for future use.
For the discussion topic this week find an example of an API that could be useful for your work. For example, I use a lot of federal data. I was excited to learn that the website Data USA has created a public API that allows users to access over a dozen federal datasets:
You can find APIs through a Google search, or browse datasets on the DS4PS Open Data page. Altnernatively, you can report on a package in R that uses a data API and describe what kinds of data the package allows you to access.
Note, you do not have to show how to use the API for the post, just identify what information is accessible and how it might be used.
*** { @unit = “FRI Jun 17”, @title = “Lab 05”, @assignment, @foldout }
This lab offers practice analyzing traffic accident patterns using dplyr data wrangling functions.
Note: These data and techniques will be used for your final project in building an interactive dashboard.
Click to download the lab template. Modify and submit using the instructions.
** Week 6 - Data IO and Joins
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Unit Overview”, @reading, @foldout }
This week has you continue practicing “data wrangling”. This week will add the step of joining multiple datasets prior to analysis. We will continue to use the dplyr package.
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
Read the notes on data joins:
For reference:
Lab 06 will use Lahman data on baseball for some moneyball examples.
We will join the Salaries table to player bios (Master table) and performance data (Batting and Fielding) to assess which characteristics predict salary and which teams have been able to most efficiently convert salary to wins.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Readings”, @reading, @foldout }
Read the notes on data joins:
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized in your sixth week.
*** { @unit = “Fri Jun 24”, @title = “Discussion Topic”, @assignment, @foldout }
Hear me out. The government is just one big open-source project.
Except currently the source code is only edited irregularly by one giant team, and they debate every single change, and then vote on it.
The code is now millions of lines long, and most of it doesn’t do what it was originally designed for, but it is too exhausting to make changes so they just leave it. There are lots of bugs, and many features do not work.
Despite the flaws, the code somehow still functions (albeit very slowly now, like really slow), and the fan is making funny noises, and sometimes we get a blue screen during the budget process and it shuts down for a few weeks. But when it is re-started, it still kinda works.
It’s an imperfect metaphor, but many people have theorized that government can learn a lot from how open source projects are managed (or governed if we are being precise).
There’s been some uptake of these ideas:
Ben Balter wants to get all up in the U.S. government’s code, and he thinks you should be able to as well. Balter, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer, is GitHub’s official Government Evangelist. His purpose: to educate government agencies about adopting open-source software.
My favorite Ben Balter project was something simple. GIS files are notoriously large and hard to work with (for some reason GIS shapefiles still split data into five separate files that you have to keep together for them to work properly).
The open source community has created some better data structures that are more efficient and easier to share (geoJSON files), but the geographers that work for cities were all trained on ArcGIS products so it’s all they know! Ben wrote a script that downloaded all of Washington DC’s open data files, converted them to better formats, then uploaded them to GitHub so others have access.
It might seem trivial - but geoJSON files can be read into R directly from GitHub, making it easy to deploy the data for a wide variety of purposes:
library( geojsonio )
library( sp )
github <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benbalter/dc-maps/master/maps/2006-traffic-volume.geojson"
traffic <- geojson_read( x=github, method="local", what="sp" )
plot( traffic, col="steelblue" )
traffic data from dc
For this week, read about how GitHub has evolved to support government.
Do you think open source frameworks would help open the black box and make government more accessible? Would government become more accessible, or alienate regular citizens that are not computer scientists? Would it make influence from special interests more transparent, or would it make it easier for them to hijack the process of shaping local laws?
*** { @unit = “FRI Jun 17”, @title = “Lab 06”, @assignment, @foldout }
This lab is designed to introduce you to primary data join functions in R.
Click to download the lab template. Modify and submit using the instructions.
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Reflection”, @reading, @foldout }
“With very few exceptions, there is no shortcut between not knowing something and knowing it. There is a beauty to awkwardness, a wisdom in the wobble.”
~Maya Stein
*** { @unit = “”, @title = “Checklist”, @assignment, @foldout }
The following checklist will help you stay organized for your final week.
*** { @unit = “Tues Jun 24”, @title = “Code-Through Project”, @assignment, @foldout }
Since you are sharing your code-through with your classmates on Yellowdig, it will serve as your discussion topic this week.
If you send me your RMD and HTML files via email, I will post them to GitHub and create a link for you if you would like to share a URL instead of a file.
Download the recommended template for your code-through with the below link.
Note: This is one of many possible layouts; modify appropriately.
*** { @unit = “Tues Jun 24”, @title = “Final Dashboard Project”, @assignment, @foldout }
Working with the crash data from Lab-05, you will extend the work you began in Lab-04 by building on a dynamic data dashboard that will be used to explore and reveal insights in Tempe crash data.
The following link downloads two templates:
We recommended creating new tabs independently, then incorporating them into the final dashboard.