Data Steps

October 29, 2021

Tutorial on cleaning the LTDB


As is mentioned in the Week 02 lab instructions, this course will be using the Longitudinal Tracts Data Base (LTDB) for over-time analysis with census data. This is a great resource for communities because the researchers harmonized 40 years of census data by apportioning old data so it fits the new 2010 census tracts and allows for analysis of consistent geographic units over time.


Unfortunately the data is not ready to be used right away thus requiring us to clean it beforehand. The challenge is we need to restructure the input census datasets to enable us to fully utilize the over-time aspects of the data.


The following chunks depend on you having clean data in your data/rodeo folder. These files are generated by making local copies of two .R files that power this tutorial.

Make two local copies of the two .R files

This HTML file is meant for you to view the data cleaning steps in the browser. However, you need the files produced by the following two .R files for future labs so please read the direction below carefully.

To create the necessary files for future labs, follow these steps:

  1. Download a local copy of the labs/utilities.R file;
  2. Save the file as labs/wk03/utilities.R.
  3. Download a local copy the labs/project_data_steps.R file;
  4. Save the file as labs/wk03/project_data_steps.R.
  5. Select all the lines within the labs/wk03/project_data_steps.R and run them all to produce all of the clean data files within data/rodeo.

With all that said, let’s get started on cleaning the LTDB!

Start Tutorial

# Install import package

#load and unload here package to reset it for use in the lab
detach("package:here", unload = TRUE)
# load necessary packages ----
library( dplyr )
library( import )
library( here )
library( knitr )
library( pander )

Heads up: new import::here() method

Last week, you should have stored all your functions in a file called utilities.R. This file probably had a lot more objects than the three functions you were meant to create.

Storing more objects in your utilities.R file than are used is normal. However, you should always be more explicit about what you are loading into the Global Environment.

When you used source(here::here("some/file.R")), you are telling R to load every object into the Global Environment. Moving forward, you will not be using the source() function for this exact reason: it over populates the Global Environment.

Introducing import::here function

The import::here() works nearly the same as the source() function with the added bonus that you get to declare specific objects you would like to be made available within the Global Environment.

This is best practice because no the Global Environment will only contain the necessary objects rather than every object that was created within your .R file.

import::here will be needed in every lab from here on out

The reason why import::here is required for every lab from here on out is for two reasons:

  1. For you to grow the skill of separating source code from your .rmd files; and
  2. For you to grow the skill of scaling your work.

I have no doubt that the first skill will be a growing pain for all of you. However, it will nearly always be the case that your supervisor will be more interested in the output of your file than how the output was generated.

A great supervisor will be interested in both; however, you should gain experience separating R logic in a different file and importing into your .rmd files. Additionally, it makes it much easier to forward a GitHub link to a .R file when someone else on your team needs to familiarize themselves with code rather than sending them a .rmd file.

The second skill, however, will become readily apparent in the next few labs. You’ll learn to minimize copying and pasting logic and instead rely on import::here() to not only save you time, but allow you to begin to use inline R code to dynamically embed within the narrative portion of your .rmd files.

With that said, here is the rest of the tutorial that uses import::here().

# import specific functions
# note: all of these are R objects that will be used throughout this .rmd file
             # notice the use of here::here() that points to the .R file
             # where all these R objects are created
             .from = here::here("labs/wk03/utilities.R"),
             .character_only = TRUE)

Inspect Data

First, let’s inspect the raw data. Note: please do not import files using static file paths. Notice the use of here::here() down below.

Check 2010 Data

# load all data as character vecs
d.2010.samp <- read.csv( here::here("data/raw/ltdb_std_2010_sample.csv"),
                         colClasses="character" )
str( d.2010.samp[1:10] )
## 'data.frame':    73056 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ tractid : chr  "1001020100" "1001020200" "1001020300" "1001020400" ...
##  $ statea  : chr  "01" "01" "01" "01" ...
##  $ countya : chr  "001" "001" "001" "001" ...
##  $ tracta  : chr  "020100" "020200" "020300" "020400" ...
##  $ pnhwht12: chr  "85.31999969" "37.02000046" "79.77999878" "92.59999847" ...
##  $ pnhblk12: chr  "11.52999973" "56.27000046" "17.14999962" "1.450000048" ...
##  $ phisp12 : chr  "0" "2.519999981" "1.769999981" "2.630000114" ...
##  $ pntv12  : chr  "0.170000002" "0" "0" "0.829999983" ...
##  $ pasian12: chr  "0" "2.839999914" "1.080000043" "0" ...
##  $ phaw12  : chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...

Check 2010 summary stats:

head( d.2010.samp$p65hsp12 ) # missing values coded as -999
## [1] "-999"        "0"           "0"           "9.649999619" "0"          
## [6] "6.440000057"
sum( d.2010.samp$p65hsp12 == "-999" )
## [1] 3874
summary( as.numeric(d.2010.samp$p65hsp12) )
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -999.00    0.00    1.76  -46.81    7.35  100.00

We have problems with missing data coded as -999, which will cause issues with any analysis.

Remove Missing Value Codes

Remove missing value codes -999 and replace with variable mean or NAs.

Test the code:

# first four columns are unique IDs - leave them as character vectors
d.2010.samp <- clean_d( d.2010.samp, start_column=5 )
str( d.2010.samp[1:10] )
## 'data.frame':    73056 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ tractid : chr  "1001020100" "1001020200" "1001020300" "1001020400" ...
##  $ statea  : chr  "01" "01" "01" "01" ...
##  $ countya : chr  "001" "001" "001" "001" ...
##  $ tracta  : chr  "020100" "020200" "020300" "020400" ...
##  $ pnhwht12: num  85.3 37 79.8 92.6 75.3 ...
##  $ pnhblk12: num  11.53 56.27 17.15 1.45 18.1 ...
##  $ phisp12 : num  0 2.52 1.77 2.63 2.53 ...
##  $ pntv12  : num  0.17 0 0 0.83 0.18 ...
##  $ pasian12: num  0 2.84 1.08 0 2.41 ...
##  $ phaw12  : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
summary( d.2010.samp$p65hsp12 ) %>% pander()
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0 0 2.81 6.512 7.35 100

That works!

Tidy Up Dataframes

We want to standardize datasets across all of the years so that they are all clean, have the same structure, same variable name conventions, etc.

Test code:

The following is set to eval=FALSE because it’s not required for you to generate the final outputs.

Note: tidy_up_data() is able to read in the data because it is not importing files using static file paths. <- "ltdb_std_2010_sample.csv"
d.2010.s <- tidy_up_data( )
head( d.2010.s[1:20] ) %>% pander() <- "LTDB_Std_2010_fullcount.csv"
d.2010.f <- tidy_up_data( )
head( d.2010.f[1:20] ) %>% pander()
d2 <- bind_rows( d.2010.s, d.2010.f ) <- "ltdb_std_2000_sample.csv"
d.2010.s <- tidy_up_data( )
head( d.2010.s[1:20] ) %>% pander() <- "LTDB_Std_2000_fullcount.csv"
d.2010.f <- tidy_up_data( )
head( d.2010.f[1:20] ) %>% pander()
d2 <- bind_rows( d.2010.s, d.2010.f )

Clean and tidy all data from the same year, then combine sample and full dataframes into a single table. Notice the use of here::here() down below can also be used when telling R where to save a file.

# for each relevant file, run the build_year() function
# note: this populates the data/rodeo/ directory with clean files
for (relevant_file in RELEVANT_FILES) {
  print(paste0("Starting on ", relevant_file[["year"]]))
  build_year(fn1 = relevant_file[["fullcount"]],
             fn2 = relevant_file[["sample"]],
             year = relevant_file[["year"]])
  if (relevant_file[["year"]] < 2010) {
    print("Finished! Moving onto the next decade.")
  } else {
    print("Finished! No more data to parse.")
## [1] "Starting on 1970"
## [1] "Finished! Moving onto the next decade."
## [1] "Starting on 1980"
## [1] "Finished! Moving onto the next decade."
## [1] "Starting on 1990"
## [1] "Finished! Moving onto the next decade."
## [1] "Starting on 2000"
## [1] "Finished! Moving onto the next decade."
## [1] "Starting on 2010"
## [1] "Finished! No more data to parse."

Check a file:

Note: Notice the use of here::here() below when importing data.

# import the clean file 
d <- readRDS( here::here( "data/rodeo/LTDB-2000.rds" ) )
head( d ) %>% pander()
Table continues below
year tractid pop00.x nhwht00 nhblk00 ntv00 asian00
2000 fips-01-001-020100 1921 1723 145 29 8
2000 fips-01-001-020200 1892 671 1177 12 12
2000 fips-01-001-020300 3339 2738 498 16 27
2000 fips-01-001-020400 4556 4273 118 23 40
2000 fips-01-001-020500 6054 5427 367.5 36.1 113.1
2000 fips-01-001-020600 3272 2615 553.1 25.18 10.65
Table continues below
hisp00 haw00 india00 china00 filip00 japan00 korea00 viet00
12 0 4 0 1 1 2 0
16 0 0 1 3 1 6 0
55 1 0 3 3 8 2 1
101 0 6 5 7 13 8 4
95.24 0 5 17.01 21 20 31.02 10.01
63.93 0.9686 0.9686 0 0.9686 1.937 1.937 0.9686
Table continues below
mex00 pr00 cuban00 hu00 vac00 ohu00 a18und00 a60up00 a75up00
4 2 0 769 93 676 519 260 69
11 1 3 731 67 664 530 282 103
29 16 0 1263 61 1202 960 594 229
43 32 0 1871 111 1760 1123 1009 244
35.09 28.06 2.005 2282 80.39 2202 1871 653.6 156.4
21.31 8.718 0 1310 139.5 1170 992.8 430.1 116.2
Table continues below
agewht00 a15wht00 a60wht00 ageblk00 a15blk00 a60blk00 agehsp00
1723 403 245 141 31 13 12
671 156 120 1163 302 158 16
2738 691 499 491 132 84 55
4273 911 982 117 39 6 101
5427 1466 630.2 358.5 121.5 8.318 95.24
2615 677.1 356.5 540.5 176.3 65.87 63.93
Table continues below
a15hsp00 a60hsp00 agentv00 a15ntv00 a60ntv00 ageasn00 a15asn00
4 1 15 5 0 7 2
5 1 6 0 0 7 1
18 3 7 2 0 23 3
29 12 10 0 3 32 4
36.07 7.01 25.07 8.01 0.005055 72.05 13
14.53 4.843 11.62 1.937 0.9686 6.78 1.937
Table continues below
a60asn00 family00 fhh00 own00 rent00 pop00.y ruanc00 itanc00
1 532 59 518 158 1879 0 5
0 494 121 452 212 1934 0 39
6 920 118 869 333 3339 0 66
5 1376 102 1390 370 4556 12 59
8.01 1747 144.6 1671 531.3 6054 10 84.13
0.9686 904.7 123 960.9 209.2 3272 0 57.15
Table continues below
geanc00 iranc00 scanc00 rufb00 itfb00 gefb00 irfb00 scfb00
139 166 6 0 0 0 0 0
78 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
186 157 49 0 0 17 0 7
355 302 17 0 0 11 9 0
530.5 487.3 35.06 0 0 9.071 0 0
145.3 167.6 2.906 0 0 10.65 0 0
Table continues below
fb00 nat00 n10imm00 ag5up00 olang00 lep00 ag25up00 hs00 col00
0 0 0 1781 38 0 1227 635 192
0 0 0 1774 51 8 1157 740 170
68 45 13 3047 133 17 2130 990 478
66 46 13 4281 132 0 3072 1477 708
81.2 64.2 9 5601 126.4 33.03 3785 1257 1214
30.03 10.65 5.812 3032 142.4 56.18 1977 1179 317.7
Table continues below
ag15up00 mar00 wds00 clf00 unemp00 dflabf00 flabf00 empclf00
1469 961 237 872 46 752 384 826
1479 598 314 802 80 776 392 722
2503 1438 577 1456 42 1318 677 1414
3635 2402 542 2191 77 1839 1062 2114
4446 3155 608.7 2955 49.35 2272 1317 2906
2383 1337 553.1 1584 87.18 1247 747.8 1497
Table continues below
prof00 manuf00 semp00 ag18cv00 vet00 cni16u00 dis00 dpov00
221 74 68 1316 240 1196 276 1790
154 82 61 1398 219 1195 435 1907
438 144 50 2284 494 1907 340 3262
673 277 250 3354 730 2793 452 4551
1173 391.9 167.4 3997 683.5 3789 420.4 6048
364.2 234.4 139.5 2262 355.5 2004 425.2 3272
Table continues below
npov00 n65pov00 dfmpov00 nfmpov00 dwpov00 nwpov00 dbpov00
227 11 551 47 1759 212 31
433 32 476 65 626 53 1249
250 45 937 36 2669 142 466
207 45 1385 25 4268 177 105
223.3 18.11 1747 45.24 5372 141.4 400.4
497.9 67.8 902.8 82.33 2592 253.8 535.6
Table continues below
nbpov00 dnapov00 nnapov00 dhpov00 nhpov00 dapov00 napov00
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
367 0 0 0 0 0 0
102 14 0 93 6 16 0
0 6 0 63 30 65 0
34.88 31.12 0 49.3 23 88.09 24
214.1 0 0 30.03 0 8.718 0
Table continues below
incpc00 hu00sp h30old00 ohu00sp h10yrs00 dmulti00 multi00 hinc00
17771 742 225 660 444 742 19 36685
14217 758 329 680 311 758 36 30298
18346 1263 452 1202 897 1263 96 46731
19741 1871 979 1760 1037 1871 77 46142
24492 2282 152.5 2202 1784 2282 334.4 58886
16395 1310 450.4 1170 696.4 1310 34.87 33699
Table continues below
hincw00 hincb00 hinch00 hinca00 mhmval00 mrent00 hh00 hhw00
36957 23438 44200 59228 76600 339 717 704
40288 27938 44200 59228 72900 260 629 245
48977 30163 48611 87500 79900 449 1204 1003
46774 18611 80090 112500 89800 494 1750 1659
59322 45502 51289 5113 116594 558.8 2191 2037
37727 18819 44200 37500 70400 337 1161 920.2
hhb00 hhh00 hha00
13 0 0
365 0 0
169 22 6
46 16 7
125.4 14.06 5.045
186 0 8.718

Metro Area Metadata

Metro areas are designated by the US Census as Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).

“A core-based statistical area (CBSA) is a U.S. geographic area defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that consists of one or more counties (or equivalents) anchored by an urban center of at least 10,000 people plus adjacent counties that are socioeconomically tied to the urban center by commuting. Areas defined on the basis of these standards applied to Census 2000 data were announced by OMB in June 2003. These standards are used to replace the definitions of metropolitan areas that were defined in 1990. The OMB released new standards based on the 2010 Census.” cite

Note that these are defined as sets of counties, so the definition files are organized with one county per row, and attributes associated with the county.

Census data files do not always have info about metro areas. If we need this information for our analysis we can get a crosswalk file from the National Bureau of Economic Research:

Note: Notice the absence of here::here(). It is not necessary here because the file lives outside of our directory.

# load the crosswalk
# note: this stores a copy in the data/raw/ directory
cw <- obtain_crosswalk()
# view all metro areas in the country
sort( unique( cw$cbsaname ) ) %>% head() %>% pander()

__, Abilene, TX, Aguadilla-Isabela-San Sebastián, PR, Akron, OH, Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY and Albany, GA

There are 3,292 counties in 2010. Of these, 35% are urban, 65% are rural.

# note in the data dictionary for CBSA Name (copied below): “blanks are rural”
table( cw$urban ) %>% pander()
rural urban
2130 1162

It’s not technically not strictly raw data because we created a new variable and dropped some columns, but it’s input data we are grabbing from an external site as meta-data, and it will not be a final research dataset used for analysis, so we can put it into the raw folder.

  1.  cbsatocountycrosswalk2005 set up by Jean Roth , , 20 Dec 2016
  2.  Source: fr05_cbsa_msa_xwalk_pub.txt
  3.  NBER URL:
  4.  Source Page:
  5.  Source File URL:
  6.  by Jean Roth , , 28 Nov 2016
  1.  Los Angeles FIPS 06037 can have two SSA county codes: 05210 and 05200
  obs:         3,293                          
 vars:            21                          20 Dec 2016 11:41
 size:       757,390                          (_dta has notes)
              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
countyname      str26   %26s                  County Name
state           str2    %9s                   State
ssacounty       str5    %9s                 * SSA County Code
fipscounty      str5    %9s                   FIPS County Code
msa             str6    %9s                   Old MSA
l               str1    %9s                   Lugar
msaname         str48   %48s                  Old MSA Name
cbsa            str5    %9s                   CBSA - if blank then rural area (set equal to first 2 digits of ssa code)
cbsaname        str50   %50s                  CBSA Name
cbsaold         long    %12.0g                 (Blanks are Rural)
cbsanameold     str42   %42s                   (Blanks are Rural)
ssast           str2    %9s                   SSA State code
fipst           str2    %9s                   FIPS State code
y2005           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2005 source file
y2011           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2011 source file
y2012           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2012 source file
y2013           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2013 source file
y2014           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2014 source file
y2015           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2015 source file
y2016           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2016 source file
y2017           float   %9.0g                 Present in 2017 source file
                                            * indicated variables have notes
Sorted by: fipscounty  ssacounty

Create Meta-Data Table

Each of the file contains redundant meta-data. We can remove it to make merges easier, and consolidate all of the meta-data (attributes of counties and census tracts) into a single file for ease of use.

We need one per year from 1980 to 2000 to grab all of the unique meta-data in the files.

# create the final meta data file
# note: this stores a copy within the data/rodeo/ directory
create_final_metadata_file(file_names = RELEVANT_FILES,
                           crosswalk = cw)
# view the results
md_complete = readr::read_rds(here::here("data/rodeo/LTDB-META-DATA.rds"))
Table continues below
fipscounty tractid state county tract
01001 fips-01-001-020100 AL Autauga County Census Tract 201
01001 fips-01-001-020200 AL Autauga County Census Tract 202
01001 fips-01-001-020300 AL Autauga County Census Tract 203
01001 fips-01-001-020400 AL Autauga County Census Tract 204
01001 fips-01-001-020500 AL Autauga County Census Tract 205
01001 fips-01-001-020600 AL Autauga County Census Tract 206
Table continues below
placefp10 cbsa10 metdiv10 ccflag10 globd00 globg00 globd90
62328 33860 99999 0 bw White Black w
62328 33860 99999 0 bw White Black bw
62328 33860 99999 0 bw White Black bw
62328 33860 99999 0 w White w
62328 33860 99999 0 bw White Black w
62328 33860 99999 0 bw White Black bw
Table continues below
globg90 globd80 globg80 msa msaname cbsa
White w White 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
White Black bw White Black 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
White Black bw White Black 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
White w White 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
White w White 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
White Black bw White Black 5240 MONTGOMERY, AL 33860
cbsaname urban
Montgomery, AL urban
Montgomery, AL urban
Montgomery, AL urban
Montgomery, AL urban
Montgomery, AL urban
Montgomery, AL urban

Alternative Approach

Build one large stacked dataset:

Hard to use because you don’t know which panel years exist for each variable.

d.list <- NULL
loop.count <- 1
for( i in these )
{ <- i
  d.i <- tidy_up_data( )
  d.list[[ loop.count ]] <- d.i
  loop.count <- loop.count + 1
d <- bind_rows( d.list )

Then you can reshape the dataset as needed:

dat <- dplyr::filter( dat, year %in% c(2000,2010) )
library(data.table)   # CRAN version 1.10.4
setDT(world)   # coerce to data.table
data_wide <- dcast(world, Country ~ Year, 
                   value.var = c("Growth", "Unemployment", "Population"))
reshape(world, direction = "wide", timevar = "Year", idvar = "Country")
d2 <- d[1:20]
reshape( d2, direction="wide", timevar="year", idvar="tractid" )
| Country | Year | Growth | Unemployment | Population |
| A       | 2015 |      2 |          8.3 |         40 |
| B       | 2015 |      3 |          9.2 |         32 |
| C       | 2015 |    2.5 |          9.1 |         30 |
| D       | 2015 |    1.5 |          6.1 |         27 |
| A       | 2016 |      4 |          8.1 |         42 |
| B       | 2016 |    3.5 |            9 |       32.5 |
| C       | 2016 |    3.7 |            9 |         31 |
| D       | 2016 |    3.1 |          5.3 |         29 |
| A       | 2017 |    4.5 |          8.1 |       42.5 |
| B       | 2017 |    4.4 |          8.4 |         33 |
| C       | 2017 |    4.3 |          8.5 |         30 |
| D       | 2017 |    4.2 |          5.2 |         30 |
| Country | Growth_2015 | Unemployment_2015 | Population_2015 | Growth_2016 | Unemployment_2016 | Population_2016 |
| A       |           2 |               8.3 |              40 |           4 |               8.1 |              42 |
| B       |           3 |               9.2 |              32 |         3.5 |                 9 |            32.5 |
| C       |         2.5 |               9.1 |              30 |         3.7 |                 9 |              31 |
| D       |         1.5 |               6.1 |              27 |         3.1 |               5.3 |              29 |